The Incredible Key

The Incredible Key


The Key That Unlocks the Book of REVELATION and the ENDTIMES for Christians Living in a Hostile and Chaotic World.

by Joe Lutz

  • Paperback: 394 pages
  • Publisher: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform; 2017 edition (October 31, 2017)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 1979343187
  • ISBN-13: 978-1979343183
  • Product Dimensions: 7 x 0.9 x 10 inches

1st Place Award Winner of The Christian Writer’s Award ~ Fall 2017, End-Times Category.

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Product Description


by Joe Lutz

The Incredible Key reveals life-giving understanding of the Book of Revelation, and time sensitive answers for our time, which, by the Spirit, engenders greater passion for Christ, for those who have, or who want to have, a hungry heart; those who are looking for the appearing of their Bridegroom, Jesus Christ, the Lamb of God.

We are living in the prophesied time of the end. The world is turning upside-down. The trial of our faith is intensifying. We need sound, biblical answers, and not merely fiction and speculation. We need answers, not only for ourselves, but for our children and grandchildren, and for our fellow believers in the body of Christ.

The Mystery of God, as stated in Revelation 10:7, is The Incredible Key. It is this Key which finally unlocks the Book of Revelation and the Endtimes for Christians living in a hostile and chaotic world. Without the Incredible Key, it is impossible to understand the chronology of major Endtime events, as laid out in the Book of Revelation; The last trumpet, resurrection, rapture, judgment and rewarding of the saints, and, the Marriage of the Lamb. The Mystery of God is the Key.

The Mystery is specifically referred to, by name, nearly 20 times in 13 different chapters in 7 of the New Testament books written by the apostles John and Paul. The truths of the Mystery are contained and described in 10 major factors. It is further amplified in 35 distinctive details. The Mystery of God was so important and impactful to the Apostle Paul that he declared three times that he had been put in prison, specifically for teaching and preaching this Mystery!

During the transition for the Old Testament to the New Testament, the early church made that vital pivot from old to new on the basis of the prophesied an newly revealed truths of the Mystery of God. The apostle Paul declared four times that this Mystery as been concealed by God Himself in the Old Testament, revealed in the New Testament, and is yet to be completely fulfilled at the Marriage of the Lamb. All of these things were prophesied –– and, are part of the Incredible Key that Unlocks the Book of Revelation and the Endtimes.

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Additional information

Weight 2 lbs
Dimensions 8 × 2 × 11 in


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