Without understanding the
“Mystery of God”
(Revelation 10:7),
it is IMPOSSIBLE to understand
the Book of Revelation and the Endtimes!



How can this Mystery of God be that important? After all, how many of us are completely unfamiliar with the biblical phrase “Mystery of God”?

Here it is:

“…in the days of the trumpet call to be sounded by the seventh angel, the Mystery of God would be fulfilled [finished, completed], just as He announced to His servants the prophets.” (Revelation 10:7)

What is the Mystery of God about; what role does it play in Endtime prophecy? We are told that it was “announced to His servants the prophets.” Really? Where in the Bible was it announced to the prophets?

There is zero doubt that this Mystery of God is a big deal! A very big deal!

How could it not be a big deal, since the Apostles Paul and John wrote about this same Mystery nearly 20 times in 13 chapters in 7 books of the New Testament. Through the Holy Spirit, these apostles provided us with 10 key factors to describe this Mystery, and those 10 factors are further amplified in 35 distinct details.

But, why don’t we know about it, since it is prolific throughout the New Testament? Ask yourself why it is that you have never read a book specifically about Mystery of God.  And why have we never heard even one sermon on it? (If you have personally heard a sermon or read a book about the Mystery of God, as referred to in Revelation 10:7, then please email me to tell me about it.) Please understand that I would be delighted to hear your good news, but I would also be completely stunned. And doesn’t that beg a question?

How can something, so obviously important to the Apostles Paul and John, be repeated in so many books and chapters in the New Testament, yet be so neglected or overlooked? All I know is that I also overlooked it, and passed it by, for over 30 years in Bible study!


It was 22 years ago, while reading a book on the Endtimes, that I was first introduced to the Mystery of God. Though the author’s explanation of the Mystery of God was not the main focus of that particular book, his comments grabbed my attention. I had read the Bible numerous times and I had an ongoing love and fervor for Endtime prophecy study. Since becoming a believer at age 16, Revelation has been one of my favorite books for Bible study. (I’m not telling you my age, but that was 52 years ago!) I also earned a college degree in theology. Endtime prophecy was among my studies back then. Nevertheless, it wasn’t until I read that one book that my eyes were opened to the understanding of the Mystery of God.

I had previously been familiar with the fact that there are “mysteries” in the Bible; such as, the mysteries of the kingdom, the mystery of iniquity, etc.

But, this was different. This was the Mystery of God. What did this mean? Why was it referred to so many times by Paul and John. And how had I failed so many times to make the connections?

Now, with over 50 years into studying Endtime prophecies, I have a passionate desire to teach or share with others about this Mystery. Please understand that the ultimate focus of my passion is not about the Mystery of God as a subject matter; rather, it is about knowing the God of the Mystery, Himself! As I want to see with you over the coming weeks, this Mystery is first and foremost about Jesus Christ and His Bride!

Have you ever been just dying to share something with a friend; something that means a lot to you, but which is totally outside of the box your friend is in? So, you find yourself concerned that they may not take the time and interest to really listen, even though you know how useful or valuable it would be for them.

That’s what I feel when I am writing or teaching about the Mystery of God. I have a deep passion for teaching this, because above all else, it is a privilege to teach about Christ.

In our award winning book, The Incredible Key: The Key That Unlocks the Book of Revelation and the Endtimes for Christians Living in a Hostile and Chaotic World, the many dynamics of the Mystery of God are explained in detail.

I want us to talk more about those “incredible” truths found in the Mystery of God in the coming posts under the title; “ENDTIMES: The Mystery of God — Continuing, Part 2, etc.

The following testimony from one of our readers is a good way to end this first short post about the Mystery of God. This testimony/comment speaks to our study of the Mystery in the pages of my book.

“This book is, without question, the most comprehensive explanation written in our time, explaining the Mystery of God and how the fulfillment of this truth culminates with the Marriage of the Lamb. Furthermore, the author relentlessly demonstrates that the the Mystery of God is the key that unlocks the readers ability to finally understand the Book of Revelation. It is stunning in its simplicity, once you “see it”.

While some may interpret the contents of this book as a “New Truth”, the author clearly proves the fact that he has simply unearthed – like a skilled archaeologist – a foundational pillar of Christian Doctrine, which is clearly explained in the Holy Scriptures – first through the apostle, Paul – but has been buried under the sands of time and false doctrine.

From my perspective it is a book to be carefully studied, not just read, and I pray that it will be translated in to many languages and become a part of the curriculum of every Bible school and seminary in the world!”

Brent Rutledge, Bend, Oregon

I will be writing the second post/blog, where I will pick back up where we are leaving off.

We will answer these following questions and more:

  • Why was the Apostle Paul put into prison? Was it because he was preaching the gospel, or because he was preaching the Mystery of God? On three occasions, Paul specifically states which one got him thrown into prison in chains. But what difference does that make and what does it have to do with the Endtimes?
  • What is the “MEGA”-Mystery? (This word, “MEGA”, is a New Testament Greek word, which is where we get our word “mega = gigantic/ very large” from. (Check it out: Ephesians 5:22-32. In some translations (in verse 32) you will find the words “great mystery” or “profound mystery”. One loose paraphrase uses the words “huge mystery”.

All of this refers to that Mystery of God, which is linked to the Marriage of the Lamb.

The connection of the Mystery of God to the Endtime Marriage of the Lamb is the most important connection I want to see with you. Over time, we will see that the Mystery and the Marriage are linked from Genesis to Revelation. This is why Revelation 10:7 and 11:15-18, mentioned earlier, reveal the beginning of the conclusion of the Mystery-plan of God for His Son throughout the Scripture; that is, the Marriage of the Lamb of God to His Bride!

It is my joy to meet with you here. May I invite you to ask questions or make comments?

See you next time.